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All matter comes from a force and exists only through it... We must presume the existence, under this force, of a conscious and intelligent Spirit. This Spirit is the matrix of all matter, said Max Planck.

The artist is a player who reserves his biggest bet for his writings, said Anais Nin.

Intelligence is not a matter of diplomas. Intelligence is the strength, alone, to extract from the chaos of one's own life the handful of light sufficient to illuminate a little further than oneself said Christian Bobin

In this photo,  the old modified photographic device  with a lamp now placed behind the lens  lightens in front of it,  with the shadow of past culture behind it.

Initially, I was a computer analyst and it was a real choice, a passion even, for a profession which promised, in the early 1980s, to revolutionize the world. I practiced this profession for around twenty years then abandoned it having realized, in fact, that if human liberation from tedious tasks was a noble quest, the infantilization of users and the infinite race for technological progress It wasn't one. Having, in a way, covered the subject after around fifteen years in the profession, I no longer had anything new to offer in this area. It was then that I began to explore a world beyond truth and falsehood, leaving that of the incessant search for productivity, inducing overproduction and overconsumption, causes of many of our misfortunes, in order to live in conformity with my true nature.

Completely self-taught, I completed my studies at 19, too early to received an in-depth education. This did not prevent me from revealing my talents in IT where I carried out interesting projects in database management, with the chance to listen directly to users and be able to provide them with concrete solutions to their needs. The dream of every computer scientist is to create a program that works without bugs. To this end I joined the world outside the program because otherwise it seems to me that it is impossible.

I own a mosaic spirit; it is difficult to approach me otherwise. I don't consider life as something linear and the only thing that brings together all these facets of acidic and distinct colors that make up my personality is me.

Mappemonde h : 92 cm l : 92 cm 2009

I started painting or it's too late to learn,   after a 15-year career in IT,   by an impulse towards color and my appointment with magical things that cannot happen when one confronts the matter.

As it was too late to learn,  it was urgent to have fun. My work began by spraying paint onto large plywood boards and this immediately gave astonishing results.

the dragon that spits its fire, (2011) acrylic on plywood, h : 120 cm l : 250 cm,  was made en 15 minutes un 2011.

Paintings like the dragon that spits its fire, even if they are beautiful and sumptuous, are nevertheless what automatic writing is at the work of the surrealist poets who used it and found its limits. For mastery, the child replaces the Miracle, said André Malraux, the stage of having had the revelation of the miracle that there is something ineffable and miraculous in oneself is the first stage in the life of an artist. Then it's work. Genius is essentially work, only idiots think it's something else.

work, work which emanates from what the world is, which can be defined by essentially what happens to us, chaotic ideas coming from a dream, strange things arising in our perception such as Graulhet's machines were for me ....

As the great photographer Nadar said, there are people who know how to see, most people don't even know how to look, there are people of conscience and people of profession.

ohannes Brahms admitted that ideas came to him like that, and that he just had to work on them, refine them. Many great musicians were immense improvisers; just listen Keith Jarrett's  Köln concert to realize with what energy and confidence he deliberately went into Chaos to release an immense anthology improvisation. The score for this musical masterpiece was written much later.

My approach in Graulhet was identical: an immense dive into chaos,.

Material, ideas that I found I don't know where and I don't know why, and a lot of personal interpretation work on it. The great artists are not the transcribers of the world, they are its rivals said André Malraux.

The  world is for me a marvelous thing that I transcribe with the will of a system obeying rules which are not  those edicted by Nature,  but which are specific to me. n fact  this non natural system is me and makes me human and nothing else.

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